Soul Searching

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

sunday mun tunkey meri behen monkey!

Here's a really weird (and extremely long) dream I had about a week or two ago:

So. First there was me (tah dah!) and commander friggin' safeguard (for those of you who dont know who that is he's a local Paki superhero based on a SOAP, yes the kinda soap you wash your hands with) climbing wires which were hanging two feet above our heads and trying to prevent pluto from smashing into the earth. Then we adopted this little cartoon child who lived in a big nest in the palm tree in my garden. This child apparently hated us because he was constantly trying to escape into the Grammar school gym. Then there was this really dumb student from my class in KGS and this teacher was trying to explain something to him but he just wouldnt GET IT! So he called her a bitch and left the room which was like this well furnished expensive looking office. So Aniq (dude in CBM) says "Here, lemme help" but ofcourse he was so dumb he just wouldnt get it. Then Usman (dude from Springfield) called him an obsessive maniac. Then I was trying to teach my classmates that there were 8 planets, not 9 because Pluto had been recently excluded but they wouldnt freakin' believe me. Then this relative of mine (ultra emotional type lady) walks into the class and screams "Order Order Order" and one kid screams "Teri chaddi mein powder powder powder!" (meaning there's powder in your underwear) [*blush* yes I have perverted dreams, so sue me] Then one of my old springfield teachers, Mrs. Habib satarted givin us sex ed for some reason. And she says at the top of her voice (ahem ahem):

"SEX INVOLVES NUDITY, KISSING AND INTERCOURSE" and I burst out laughing and said "Ma'am cant we just use our imaginations?" and she says (in that nasal voice of hers) "SAHAR PAY ATTENTION!"

I think this is it. There was some more but I cant remember since its been so long since I dreamt this. Hehehe Im really proud of this one, sure surpasses aliens feeding cabbage into a forcefield :)

Other than that life is a bit messed up. CBM doing a lot of nakhrays and shit. Might not end up going there at all. Oh well I'll deal with that as it comes. I cant think about it right now because my head is just exploding. ( :(got the flu )

The Lahore trip was fun. Got back yesterday evening. Saw so many ncie places. Ab and Mehj went with me too. Shopped like there was no tomorrow *grin* :D AND AND AND...went to the Red Light Area!!! I know there's nothing so exciting about going to see the place where prostitution flourishes BUT I am excited! Never been this close to reality.

Here's a nice picture from the trip:

Its the Badshahi mosque built by the Moghuls in Lahore. Isnt it awesome? Its not such a hot picture coz I took it from my phone camera which is not that great but still, I love the pic.

Thats it for now! Toodles.


Isnt he beautiful?? Found the image on flickr. I would write courtesy so and so but I dont remember whose it is!

anyway to elucidate the title...Ab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will kill her. Just lemme get my hands on her *GRRRRRRRRRRRR*
Of all the dumb things to do this has to be the dumbest. (this is about as clear as im gonna get)

Other than that, have to meet up with G tomorrow. She's leaving soon. And talked to bhalu yesterday after a long long time which was good too.

But, again, Ab!!! She's such a freakin ijit. But whats done cant be undone now :S
Gotta run, will blog later. Vamos Rafa!

Monday, August 21, 2006

jubilation, she loves me again, im down on the floor and im laughing :)

love simon and garfunkle. brings back olllllld memories. from the days when we were kids and used to listen awe struck to mamu playing and singing songs like cecilia and the boxer on his guitar.
the charity drive is going well. have collected quite a bit of money. found a few projects to donate em to. (note to anyone reading: donations are welcome. email me if youre interested) as for the kids for tutoring, still havent talked to the neighbours where those kids work. will do that once we come up with a solid plan. and also collecting medicines which are lying around in people's house which they dont use. will donate em to a hospital. (again, anyone interested please contact me)
other than that, am finally thinking "this is it". its been a long hard road but i know i can do it. its just NOT on. and i know i can do it besides ive got lots of support from friends and family. and i know people might not believe that im gonna stick to my word but ill try my level best, which is never going down 'that' road again.
talked to SJ after a long time. was good catching up. and also met up with G which was great. might meet up again tomorrow. looking forward to that. college starts on the 12th. will have to wake up early everyday groaaaaaaaan. NOt looking forward to that. was so much fun in between when i could bum all day and get up and go to bed when i wanted. but i guess ill have to get used to it and soon.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


last post got deleted bec i got signed out, hmph.
anyway two projects under way. (Ab, Mej and I)

  1. collecting money for charity
  2. rounding up neighbouring servants to teach em basic english urdu and math.

will elaborate more when we make some progress. peace and vamos rafa.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

sometimes we must do things we dont like...

i suppose we must. like going out when you dont want to. or getting out of bed in the morning at all. or giving a damn, washing your face, saying im sorry, smiling, and pretending.

had a big fight with Ab. seems to be bad, i just walked out. i hate confrontations. im like my dad in that respect. i wish people would just say theyre fine and not fight rather than have big confrontations and get to the bottom of the problem. thats useless. youre better off not knowing what people really think than making a big hooplah about it. khair. dunno how to deal with this.

check this out:

sorry no dice, pic wont upload :(

we made up!!! ab got me flowers. awwwwwwwww :D
alls well. will blog later. vamos rafeal!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

on diet coke and tulsi

yes, my staple diet at lums, diet coke and tulsi. (yikes this tikka is spicy!)
trying the new high protein diet. lets see how long it lasts/works :)
hmmm pan! am i supposed to be having pan on a high protein diet? i dunno...if anyone does please get back to me on this one. (yes my concentration span is about 3 seconds)

so far this post has been all about eating! im such a nadeedi i swear!
someone just said something about their picture being "atrocious" and i cracked up because all i could think about was the dog atrocious in labyrinth! (note: if you havent yet seen labyrinth you must you must you must)
heheheh "My lady, the castle doth lie lady?!" heheh he was such a character.

ouch ouch ouch. stupid stomach cramps. i hate it!!! also keyboard rash. and garam diet coke. and 3 days old water. and puddles outside my house. and mud on my shoes. and traffic jams(:@) and detours because the whole darn city is dug up. and paulo coelho. (A i can picture you rolling your eyes!) and over sensitive people (jeez man relax!). and liaquat ke pan (sometimes). and junk mail. and orkut losers. and-people- who- criticize- my- spelling- of- nadal's- last- name! (hey vamosrafael was NOT available get over it) and so on and so forth...

Ive just discovered im going to go into extra hyper mode soon! oh no its already begun! runnnnnnnn save yourself before its too late! well i did warn you.
here goes:

(singing at the top of my voice)


hahahah ohhh that song brings back so many memories! (mostly good)
anyhoo im off. to Ab's. BUT before you leave, say VAMOS RAFEAL (yes rafEAl not rafAEl :P) and be at peace.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tokyo Laundry

I have no idea what that is but i read it on some guy's t shirt at college today :))
college was great! stuffed my face with biryani and then came back from college and stuffed my face with pizza! muahahaha.

i wish i could understand what fiona apple says in "across the universe" after "nothing's gonna change my world". i've always wanted to know but somehow i never actually go and search for the lyrics.

A leaves on thursday :( I'll miss her. she's been after my life to come and visit her in houston but dad said it wasnt possible abhee.

man what the hell DOES she say after nothings gonna change my world! im listening to the song for the fifteenth time and i cant figure it out. maybe i should look it up. hmm.
AHA!!! its Jai guru de va om (yes i did look it up) hmmm. wonder what it means.

21st is the dreaded day when i find out about my entrance test results. ayyyyeeeeeeeeee!!! hate waiting. hate red lights too. (just a random thought)
oh shit! left the iron on! adios!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Paradise Lost

Despite my resolution that I wouldn't go on and on about how depressing my life is (not really :P) i find myself doing just that. But I wont bore you with that just now. I just finished my assignment, something I'd been putting off for weeks now and is due tomorrow morning. (yes ms. procrastination, thats me)

[eeeek room stinks]

Maybe I'm Amazed At The Way You Love Me All The Time
Maybe I'm Afraid Of The Way I Love You
Maybe I'm Amazed At The Way You Pulled Me Out Of Time And Hung Me On A Line
Maybe I'm Amazed At The Way I Really Need You

How true, how true. (Note to A: this is for you lurve)

The only glitch (hahaha) is that its form the O.C. soundtrack. How can something so silly inspire something so meaningful?

This would be like putting:

With a taste of your lipsI’m on a ride
You're toxic I'm slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re toxic

in the soundtrack of...Citizen Kane!

Anyhoo, Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin (dont ask. really.) is all thats going on in my mind right now so Im gonna head off. And remember...Vamos Rafeal!

just checking if my blog works...

if you can read this, raise your fist in the air and say YEAH!