Soul Searching

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Random ramblings of a hungry 22 year old

Oh sometimes I just wanna strangle someone. Mostly its particular people who bug the living life out of me but they’ve just got to be borne for one reason or the other. (As you can probably tell I’m in a pretty pissy mood right now). I mean what in blue blazes man. Why don’t you go swallow a raw monkey or something, it’ll do you some good. Sigh. Ok take deep breaths and count till ten Sahar… ONE…..TWO….THREE…FOUR…FIVE…SIX….SEVEN…EIGHT...NINE…TEN.
I tell you this counting to ten business is over rated. It doesn’t seem to help.

It’s over now I’m cold, alone
I’m just a person on my own…
Nothing means a thing to me,
oh nothing means a thing to me

Anyhoo, on to better things. But the question is what better things? I took a minute to reflect on what it is about my current situation that I like and I came up with:

1. Hmmm. Well, I’m alive (that’s a start).
2. I haven’t eaten in 15 hours (good for shedding a few extra pounds. Don’t let this fool you into thinking that I only have a few extra pounds to shed. Or perhaps it depends on your definition of few. 50 could be few, couldn’t it? Yes, indeed).
3. My head hasn’t ached in more than 15 minutes (ever since I started writing, takes the focus away from the pain).
4. I can eat again in exactly 1 hour and 26 minutes. 24 now. One might wonder why it took me to minutes to write two words. Well, one should keep wondering.
5. I honestly can’t think of anything else.

Things I don’t like about my current situation: (This should be one helluva list)

1. WTF!!!!
2. I have baaaaad hunger pangs.
3. I will have to stay hungry for 13 hours at a stretch everyday for the next month.
4. Le momazilla is pissed off at me.
5. I have to go to college (which is now being pushed an hour back, so I have class at 8 now. GROAN!!!).
6. I have no life.
7. Repeat above.
8. No books and the above mentioned momazilla won’t let me buy any. Something about oh what was it again, oh right, money (or something like that).
9. Book club idea gone down the drain (for an explanation read #8 above).
10. I was bored enough to think about joining a book club. (sorry Amu!).

There you have it. I’m sure some of you even have tears in your eyes because you feel so sorry for me. No? Well, then, most heartless bunch of people I ever saw! Im gonna sign off. Word of advice before you leave: write when you’re pissed off. Works much better than freakin’ counting to ten.


Blogger amna said...

oh my love. why so blue? *mwaaaah*

and its TEMPORARY - like i said, we're not basing the bookclub on books that are SUPERRRR hard to find. so chillax! i have 2 positive responses so far. i'm excited about this :)
oh and i didn't call you bec i was at the beach, was there for some much-needed R&R - a lot better now. less stressed than i was - just listening to the sea made me feel better :) you should try that sometime - excellent way to meditate!
how i wish you were here with me :(

1:44 PM  
Blogger sway with me said...

Oh I never made it to no book club. But I'm blogging, I'm blogging!

3:55 AM  

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