Soul Searching

Thursday, September 07, 2006

how come every time you come around, my london london bridge wanna go

oh man this song is hilarious! fergie's a hoot. is it actually supposed to mean something? [knowing fergie it'll be something explicit!]

today was weird. just takes one day to decide what you'll be doing for the next four years. and that one day was today. i cant believe i have to go through everything all over again. Its crazy, stupid, bullcrap, no good,two timing, MFing insane! [these are just randon galis...Im frustrated.] but no two ways about it. its gotta be done. I'll be 26 when i get my bachelors. HA! What a joke! its completely crazy to even think it let alone go through with it. and yet I'll do exactly that. anyway i was looking for random/ nice pictures on the net and here's what i've got so far:

temme what you'd rate it. mine's 6.5.


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