Soul Searching

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beetle Bum

I found me purty ear rings. I found me a reason to be happy. I exaggerrate. Ahahaha, click. No really, they made me ridiculously happy when I bought em and as always I was careless and dropped one somewhere and it turns out mum had one and I had the other. So I'm a happy little girl right now.

I had a cool dream. We were in an enchanted forest and Nadir was an evil beetle (or spider) with ruby red eyes in a spider web. He had this REALLY evil glint in his eyes. Daniyal was Manny going to search for Glottis' heart. I stopped him to have a chat with him first and I said wasn't it cool that Nadir bought gajras from the phool wala because he liked the guy's sales pitch and not because he said I have chote chote bahai behan? And Danial said "Yeah thats cool. But my braces are coming off at 29, no thanks to YOU" and he glared at me. But then he smiled kindly because I think I looked a bit like a hurt puppy and patted me rather condescendingly on the shoulder. Then Puck (the fairy from Midsummer Night's Dream) showed up and said "Glottis is dead but Shabbir Jan is available". Both Daniyal and I groaned in unison but Shabbir Jan came and led us both by the hand like naughty children out of the forest. And this was all the evil beetle's (aka Nadir's) doing. And Glottis dies too! Unfair. Long Live Glottis!

This is a dream Nadir had. I don't have his permission to publish this but I'll ask him tomorrow and if he has copyright issues...too bad.  Haha, I will ask him tomorrow.

I'm quoting him here (just changing punctuation because no one's careful with that in a chat conversation):

"I was living at my old KDA house again.. as often happens in dreams, and it was night-and somehow time to go to school in the morning at the same time... But visually speaking it was a typical karachi summer night, with white clouds in the sky, and a breeze.

"I was indoors and my mum was in the kitchen and stuff, and dad walking about doing something. So I go outside.. and in that area there was this real silence, and it was dark too and I look up standing in the street .. and the sky is filled with flying saucers... obscured by slowly moving white clouds, that hang between them and me

"And theres this silence... no sound.. the UFOs dont even have lights. Theyre just like spinning and moving, kind of gliding accross the sky. And im stuggling to see them in the dark even though theyre pretty big.. through the clouds and all..and I get like... completely..I dont know the word like... amazed, excited, like WHAT THE HELL. Haha.. so I run up and tell my parents and theyre all like beta you do this first, gari saaf ki? haan ati hun I have to wash the dishes...And im like are you MAD i SWEAR they're there!

"And then I take them up to the roof and you cant see anything from there and my dad just walks back down.. so I go out on my own and wait for them to come. Then one of them turns on its side and just spins its way to float above the house accross the street, it looks like a gigantic spinning dartboard."


Monday, May 05, 2008

I love what you've done with the place S..why thank you, I'm rather proud of it myself.

That's me, congratulating myself on how pretty my own blog is. Shoo if you think I'm weird. Its blue and its got bubbles and funky indecipherable patterns and it is awesome. I didn't technically create the design myself but it is sort of my website (*all you did was choose a theme you idiot*) [*you shut up*] - sorry, inner voices tends to surface sometimes. {OK shut up you two!}

I have a list of questions for anyone who reads this (I know no one will, this blog is long forgotten, but if anyone does, leave me a reply I'm kinda curious):

1. Did you know that "&"  is called an "ampersand"? ( I did, HAH.)

2. Did you know that its ALWAYS been spelt dilemma? Was it never dilamna? 
(I am not crazy! I don't make up spellings - somebody planted this idea in my head and it took
hold. Die scum.)

3. Did you know that at the end of the Disney cartoon "The little mermaid" when the priest
 is marrying Eric off to the sea witch (in disguise of course), he has a boner? The priest that is, 
not Eric. I swear, I've seen it. Eric was in a trance and anyway who would get a boner looking at
that ugly piece of crap Ursula. I won't bother pasting a picture. Watch the movie or You Tube it
if you're that curious ;) All that subliminal messages stuff is true I suppose. Its supposed to spell "SEX" above Simba's head in The Lion King or something but my parents were never big on
Disney movies. I've been a deprived child, or so I'm told.

4. Have you seen the movie Donnie Darko? It's not trivia but I just felt like saying it. Its awesome. Jake
Gyllenhall should put in a black chair with a blue cushion and stared at. Blue to match 
his eyes, black coz its sexy.

Alrighty. I is off to investment banking. Procrastinators rule. 

Thursday, January 11, 2007

ok , ok just a little pin prick, there'll be no more but you may feel a little sick

hello world!

what is up? how you all been? all is great with me, MashAllah. i have been sooooooo wrapped up with exams and presentations and just stuff that i havent had time to write. actually to tell the truth i kinda forgot i had a blog. and then it just hit me like 'wham' today and i thought oh wow i used to have one of those things whaddaya call ems. anyhoo this is gonna be really random and really rambly. (man this guitaring is good).

spoke to t today after i dunno, two years? t messaged first, i didnt. amna's gone back to canada and then houston. went out with the springfield gang for dinner and dessert and then today me and sana and haseeb and abbas went out to just hang out and stuff. both times were good fun. too bad they're both leaving soon. we could've had lots more fun.

im going to the gym tomorrow!!!! unbelievable isnt it?? well its true :D other than that, im getting new flooring for my room. so thats good. going to the showroom tomorrow to check it out. yikes its 1:15 am and i gotta get up at 1:30! ta love

P.S: dont you just loveeeeeee baby blues esp. Zoey!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

how do i love thee, let me count the ways

as you've probably realised the posts have nothing to do with the title.

anyway, my brother said something to me today that really hit home.
i was complaining about exams and he said "why aren't you ever happy?"
at first i got really annoyed and i banged the door and walked out of his room. but then i started thinking about it and i thought "ya know maybe he's right. im never happy. and i have no clue why. maybe i've been so wrapped up in other stuff i've just forgotten to be happy."

i hope its not true. but it seems like it is. have i really forgotten how to be happy? but thats ridiculous, no one just forgets how to be happy. or don't they?
im racking my brains for the last time that i was happy....


I've got it! it was when i was ironing my mother's ridah this afternoon (although i hate doing chores) and listening to "I don't feel like dancing" by the scissor sisters and "when you gonna give it up to me" by sean paul and keyshia cole. Both songs were on repeat and i was listening to them over and over. I've just put on "I don't feel like dancing" again and ya know what? Im happy! Honestly! Thats.....awesome!

So you see all it takes is a tiny little thing to lift up your mood. Who has time to worry about stupid little things like exams? As in I'll study tonight or tomorrow or the morning of the actual exam. Who cares right?! :D
imana leave you with this happy note. ta!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


sometimes i write when im disturbed. and believe me im pretty disturbed right now. there are lots of hurtful nasty things in the world. but i dont want to know about them. im happy living in my own little world even if its make believe or cut off from the rest of the world. i want ppl in it whom i care about and who make me happy. i dont want any part of the cruelty that lingers in corners.

i just forwarded this corny email to some friends. because it was sweet. and it made me feel like there was hope for good to survive and evil to fall dead. i know this sounds corny too but if you'd been through what i have im sure you'd be just as...shattered. and i dont wanna know any more. seriously, bas.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Random ramblings of a hungry 22 year old

Oh sometimes I just wanna strangle someone. Mostly its particular people who bug the living life out of me but they’ve just got to be borne for one reason or the other. (As you can probably tell I’m in a pretty pissy mood right now). I mean what in blue blazes man. Why don’t you go swallow a raw monkey or something, it’ll do you some good. Sigh. Ok take deep breaths and count till ten Sahar… ONE…..TWO….THREE…FOUR…FIVE…SIX….SEVEN…EIGHT...NINE…TEN.
I tell you this counting to ten business is over rated. It doesn’t seem to help.

It’s over now I’m cold, alone
I’m just a person on my own…
Nothing means a thing to me,
oh nothing means a thing to me

Anyhoo, on to better things. But the question is what better things? I took a minute to reflect on what it is about my current situation that I like and I came up with:

1. Hmmm. Well, I’m alive (that’s a start).
2. I haven’t eaten in 15 hours (good for shedding a few extra pounds. Don’t let this fool you into thinking that I only have a few extra pounds to shed. Or perhaps it depends on your definition of few. 50 could be few, couldn’t it? Yes, indeed).
3. My head hasn’t ached in more than 15 minutes (ever since I started writing, takes the focus away from the pain).
4. I can eat again in exactly 1 hour and 26 minutes. 24 now. One might wonder why it took me to minutes to write two words. Well, one should keep wondering.
5. I honestly can’t think of anything else.

Things I don’t like about my current situation: (This should be one helluva list)

1. WTF!!!!
2. I have baaaaad hunger pangs.
3. I will have to stay hungry for 13 hours at a stretch everyday for the next month.
4. Le momazilla is pissed off at me.
5. I have to go to college (which is now being pushed an hour back, so I have class at 8 now. GROAN!!!).
6. I have no life.
7. Repeat above.
8. No books and the above mentioned momazilla won’t let me buy any. Something about oh what was it again, oh right, money (or something like that).
9. Book club idea gone down the drain (for an explanation read #8 above).
10. I was bored enough to think about joining a book club. (sorry Amu!).

There you have it. I’m sure some of you even have tears in your eyes because you feel so sorry for me. No? Well, then, most heartless bunch of people I ever saw! Im gonna sign off. Word of advice before you leave: write when you’re pissed off. Works much better than freakin’ counting to ten.

book club

anyone up for joining a book club?? mail me or leave a comment here. its not much, will be aro und a book a month.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

She's got Bette Davis eyes

Heyo. Been a week since college started and its going pretty well. My transfer got accepted :) And I got A's in both my summer courses, so thats going well. Anyway just wanted to update. Later!