Soul Searching

Monday, May 05, 2008

I love what you've done with the place S..why thank you, I'm rather proud of it myself.

That's me, congratulating myself on how pretty my own blog is. Shoo if you think I'm weird. Its blue and its got bubbles and funky indecipherable patterns and it is awesome. I didn't technically create the design myself but it is sort of my website (*all you did was choose a theme you idiot*) [*you shut up*] - sorry, inner voices tends to surface sometimes. {OK shut up you two!}

I have a list of questions for anyone who reads this (I know no one will, this blog is long forgotten, but if anyone does, leave me a reply I'm kinda curious):

1. Did you know that "&"  is called an "ampersand"? ( I did, HAH.)

2. Did you know that its ALWAYS been spelt dilemma? Was it never dilamna? 
(I am not crazy! I don't make up spellings - somebody planted this idea in my head and it took
hold. Die scum.)

3. Did you know that at the end of the Disney cartoon "The little mermaid" when the priest
 is marrying Eric off to the sea witch (in disguise of course), he has a boner? The priest that is, 
not Eric. I swear, I've seen it. Eric was in a trance and anyway who would get a boner looking at
that ugly piece of crap Ursula. I won't bother pasting a picture. Watch the movie or You Tube it
if you're that curious ;) All that subliminal messages stuff is true I suppose. Its supposed to spell "SEX" above Simba's head in The Lion King or something but my parents were never big on
Disney movies. I've been a deprived child, or so I'm told.

4. Have you seen the movie Donnie Darko? It's not trivia but I just felt like saying it. Its awesome. Jake
Gyllenhall should put in a black chair with a blue cushion and stared at. Blue to match 
his eyes, black coz its sexy.

Alrighty. I is off to investment banking. Procrastinators rule. 


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