Soul Searching

Thursday, January 11, 2007

ok , ok just a little pin prick, there'll be no more but you may feel a little sick

hello world!

what is up? how you all been? all is great with me, MashAllah. i have been sooooooo wrapped up with exams and presentations and just stuff that i havent had time to write. actually to tell the truth i kinda forgot i had a blog. and then it just hit me like 'wham' today and i thought oh wow i used to have one of those things whaddaya call ems. anyhoo this is gonna be really random and really rambly. (man this guitaring is good).

spoke to t today after i dunno, two years? t messaged first, i didnt. amna's gone back to canada and then houston. went out with the springfield gang for dinner and dessert and then today me and sana and haseeb and abbas went out to just hang out and stuff. both times were good fun. too bad they're both leaving soon. we could've had lots more fun.

im going to the gym tomorrow!!!! unbelievable isnt it?? well its true :D other than that, im getting new flooring for my room. so thats good. going to the showroom tomorrow to check it out. yikes its 1:15 am and i gotta get up at 1:30! ta love

P.S: dont you just loveeeeeee baby blues esp. Zoey!!